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Participate in the DO-A-THON! Event is open NOW-JUNE 30th.

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Sample Event

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DO you know? Autism New Jersey was started in 1965 by parents and professionals advocating for better support in schools.

Learn about Autism New Jersey and the organization's position statements.

April is National Autism Awareness Month. In 2021, Autism New Jersey committed to moving beyond awareness by offering the public an opportunity to actively participate in an event in honor of our incredible autism community.  By sharing their stories and signing up for challenges to conquer a new skill or showcase a fun talent, participants will be able to promote important messages of awareness to broader audiences. 

Autism is a spectrum, meaning no two individuals are alike. The Do-A-Thon celebrates unique skills, challenges and talents. Join as an individual or a team-all proceeds support Autism New Jersey.

Autism New Jersey

Autism New Jersey is a nonprofit agency committed to ensuring safe and fulfilling lives for individuals with autism, their families, and the professionals who support them. Through awareness, credible information, education, and public policy initiatives, Autism New Jersey leads the way to lifelong individualized services provided with skill and compassion. We recognize the autism community’s many contributions to society and work to enhance their resilience, abilities, and quality of life.
Your support means everything.  Thank you for getting involved to DO something to make a positive impact in the autism community!